“My name is Laura and I am from Canada. I am not currently in school but have decided to travel and learn about the world by travelling to different places and learning about the world and myself, and hope to one day go back to university. I have a passion for working with people, I love doing activities outdoors (hiking, skiing, camping, etc.) and I also love exploring new cities. I will be volunteering in Palestine and helping teach English during my time here.laura
I chose to come to Palestine becuase I found the opportunity to volunteer at the Excellence Center online and decided to come visit country while also having the chance to teach others English at the same time. I have already experienced some of the ancient historic sites, welcoming people and great food this region has to offer as well!al-shuhada-st1
During my time in Palestine I will assist in teaching English at the center as well as visiting other schools with the Center. Today I helped organise activities for students at a university and got them involved in practicing their English in an open and fun environment.

I am excited to contribute to the Excellence Center during my time here by bringing a positive energy and an open mind to the center by thinking outside the box and finding new ways to help the students learn. It is important for me to help the students feel comfortable and confident speaking English and practicing with a native speaker is one of the best ways to learn!
This experience in Palestine will help me learn about how people live their lives in other parts of the world in a hands on experience. Living with a family will also help me improve my Arabic skills and be immersed in the culture. I would love to work with people in the future especially women and children so this will give me experience working in this part of the world and teaching English.img_0765
I do believe my work will make a difference because I believe that even small gestures can make a difference in people’s lives, especially when it comes to English becuase it is such an important international language in this day and age”. 
