img_0656“My name is Barbara Zeitler, I am from the UK, In my first week in Hebron, Palestine, I will take private Arabic lessons in Modern Standard Arabic. I have already studied Arabic for some time, but due to work commitments I can only devote approximately two weeks per year, when I am on holiday, to intensive study of Arabic in Palestine. My progress is somewhat slow because during the year, I am unable to practise my Arabic as often as I should or want to.
During my second week in Hebron I propose to engage in various voluntary activities with Palestinian students and pupils. I have already studied Arabic in various Arab-speaking countries. Taking courses in Arabic is not only a way of learning a language, but also getting to know a culture. This year, when I was trying to decide where to continue my study of Arabic, I came across the Excellence Centre by chance during a web search. I decided to chose the Excellence Centre because I had not been to Palestine for nearly 25 years, and I see this visit as an opportunity to find out about life in Palestine.
During my ten days in Hebron I would like to learn a bit more Arabic and devote my time to meeting Palestinians, in particular students and pupils. I also hope to spend some time with my host family and see how they live.
I hope to be an active member of the Excellence Centre, first by engaging with my teacher, second by giving some of my expertise to Palestinian students and pupils and third to publicise the work of the Centre.
In the first instance, I would like to learn a bit more Arabic. Secondly, it will broaden my horizons and will learn about life in Palestine at first hand. I engage in educational activities in various ways in a professional capacity. For instance, I sometimes comment on CVs by students who want to become lawyers, which is my profession. I hope to use my knowledge about how to present one’s educational and professional achievements when I meet Palestinian students and pupils, and pass on that knowledge to them”.