What Volunteers in Palestine Plan to Do with Their New Arabic Skills and Experiences: Our volunteers in Palestine leave the Excellence Center with improved Arabic skills, teaching experience and a widened understanding of Palestinian culture. We are always excited to hear what our volunteers plan to do next, upon finishing their time at the EC. The experience gained from volunteering at the Excellence is relevant and applicable to so many future opportunities and goals.
Ola from the USA is participating in the Intern and Learn Arabic Program and she tells us she hopes to continue traveling with a focus on Middle Eastern Countries. She plans to continue with her Arabic studies and though she has yet to plan the specifics she hopes to continue to help people, “maybe through an NGO or a local grassroots organization like the excellence Center.” She is intent on incorporating Arabic in whatever she does next and says, “I want to keep using it, because if I don’t I will lose the language.” Engi who is participating in our Volunteer and Learn Arabic Program and is from Australia also plans to continue with his Arabic studies and, “definitely hopes to return to the West Bank in the Future.”
Conner is from the USA and he participates in our Volunteer to Write about Palestine Program will spend one month in Cairo, Egypt and then return to the West Bank to intern in the city of Rawali. Upon returning to the United States, “I hope to enroll in a Political Science Phd. Program with a focus on the Middle East that will require me to keep studying Arabic.”
Victor is from Belgium and participated in the Teach English and Learn Arabic program, he will return home for one month before traveling to India to continue to teach. He is an experienced teacher and explains, “My main goal here is the teaching experience, and the Arabic is an additional bonus.” He demonstrates how the skills volunteers learn here at the Excellence Center can be applied to a variety of different paths. Ola also has some useful thoughts on this, she has just graduated from university and says, “coming from the role of a student and then transitioning into teaching right away has taught me so much about the dynamics of being both a student and a teacher. I think the perspective my work here at the Excellence Center will be extremely useful in my future endeavors.”
The Excellence Center is always proud and excited to see all the different ways our former Volunteers apply what they have learned wile volunteering, teaching, interning and writing for us. No matter where your goals may lead you after your stay with us we are confident that your experience here will positively contribute to them.