Tarik spent one month at the Excellence Center and was involved in 60 class hours of a program learning Arabic in Hebron, Palestine.  His main goal in coming to Palestine was learning Arabic as well as seeing other parts of the region and learning of the issues of the region from another perspective. Tarik has family in Jordan, so while he travels to the region a lot he was still curious to see places like Hebron, Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah, and even Israel. His family in Jordan had no idea that he was in the region so he also looked forward to surprising them for Aid al Fiter.img_5186-1

According to Tarik’s excellent teacher, he made good progress, and he felt that the program has been a great benefit to him.  He said:

“You can start learning a language abroad, but then, sooner or later, you have to travel to the country for real progress”.
“I think everyone coming to Palestine and then returning to his / her country, talking about their experiences, will make a difference. It will not be decisive, but it is also an act of solidarity, so everyone is winning”. img_5531

Tarik is planning to come back to Palestine, maybe not for a whole month next time, as he does not want to be away from his wife for so long.  He may come as a volunteer to teach German or Spanish to the local people and especially the kids, thus contributing to the Excellence Centre’s important work.13700023_1555592861416356_1322578742215526295_n


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