Introduction to short term volunteering and internships in Palestine

It is natural to see the difficulties in the Palestinian situation and feel the human urge to help those affected by the conflict and the ongoing Occupation of Palestine by Israel.

A volunteering role or an internship can be a great way to help the people of Palestine on the ground, whilst developing your skills and building the experiences you need in the professional world of work in later life.

Why Palestine?

As alluded to, Palestine is a country that has had a particularly troubled history over the last seventy years, so there are many refugees and poor people there in need of help.

The country has a fascinating history with a rich culture (including very tasty food!) and as the location of many of the Holy Land cities like Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jericho, it is a really interesting place to visit and spend time in.

Additionally if you are interested in learning Arabic, Palestine is a great place to do it – the locals are friendly and helpful in assisting you to learn and you can learn in a fully immersive Arabic speaking environment. Additionally, Palestinians speak the Levantine dialect which is the most recognised throughout the Arab world, so it is probably the most useful one for foreigners to learn.

Is it safe to volunteer in Palestine?

There are often negative media reports about the situation in Palestine, but the reality is that the majority of the conflict is concentrated in Gaza, which is undergoing a state of siege currently.

The West Bank is far more stable as a destination and while there are occasionally outbreaks of violence, they are usually highly localised and foreign tourists are not often exposed to the difficulties (unless they actively go looking for them of course) – as long as you are sensible with your movements and you don’t seek out trouble, it is perfectly safe to volunteer in Palestine.

Why a short term volunteering role or internship?

Unfortunately, an Israeli tourist visa (issued on arrival at Ben Gurion airport) only covers three months, so the maximum length of stay, if you are doing voluntary work or an unpaid internship, is three months.

However, if you want to find longer term work in Palestine then you will have to go through an arduous Israeli visa process before you even enter the country, so this is only recommended if you have already visited Palestine before and know the country and really know that you want to work there long term.

How can I prepare for an internship in Palestine?

Palestine as mentioned has its own unique history and culture, so be sure to research the place and its customs before visiting. If you speak Arabic, practise it up and plan your route to whichever area of the West Bank you will be visiting.

Pack your bags accordingly, bearing in mind that the winters can actually get quite cold and wet and summers are blistering hot and you will soon be ready to go!

Short term volunteering opportunities and internships in the West Bank, Palestine

The Excellence Center in Hebron (a city located in the South of the West Bank) is a language and training school which runs a Palestine internship as well as other short term volunteering programmes for those interested in helping Palestinian people, experiencing the local culture and developing their professional skills.

Programmes are run flexibly from a week or two all the way up to three months depending on the needs of the volunteer. Volunteers are assigned a liaison manager to channel their work to where it is needed the most and oversee their professional development.

Short Term Volunteering Programs

All kind of skills are welcome: nursing, engineering, sports coaching – we even had a circus performer volunteer to provide morale boosting performances in refugee camps! Even if you feel like you have no special skills to offer, English teaching is a popular way to help the locals develop language skills they will need later in life.

In addition to accommodation and some meals, all volunteer programmes include tailored Arabic tuition from a dedicated, personal Arabic tutor to help volunteers aid Palestinians in their own native language.

In addition to these things, there are also frequent trips, both within the city, to see the historical monuments and the local industry, and to other prominent places in the West Bank. Frequent trips to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Nablus in the North of the West Bank, along with frequent hikes ensure that volunteers have a fantastic experience beyond the volunteering itself.

Former volunteer and intern testimonials highlight the importance of having a big body of internationals working alongside the permanent Palestinian staff, which creates an atmosphere of cultural exchange and a fantastic environment for the mutually beneficial sharing of ideas. Many volunteers find that they have a great social experience as well as a professional experience here and that they make friends for life both from the other volunteers and from the local Palestinians as well.

Final remarks

For more information about the Palestine internship and the other short term volunteering roles the Excellence Center offers, contact Marwa Shantir on the contact details listed below.

We look forward to welcoming your application for the Palestine internship or one of the other short term volunteering opportunities here at the Excellence Center in Hebron in the very near future!

Any Questions?

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