IMG_4479“My name is Kaitlin Barrett. I am 28 years old, from Santa Barbara, California. I have an interest in languages, and have taken classes in French, Spanish, and Italian. I do not have any background in Arabic, but hope to learn as much as possible here through lessons and interactions with my host family and other Palestinians. I do not have any formal teaching experience either, but have enjoyed tutoring, and would like to gain experience and confidence in teaching and presenting. I like that I can do that here while helping people to gain skills and opportunities to improve their lives.
I study political science with an emphasis in international relations and a minor in Middle Eastern Studies at Santa Barbara City College. My hope is to work in foreign policy analysis and advising for the government, possibly specializing in Israel and Palestine and/or Iran. In addition to a desire to know the people I study and experience their way of life and culture, I also hope that through my work I will be able to help the people here who are wanting freedom and peace.

Governments in the West, particularly the US and the UK, have done a great deal of damage in the Middle East through selfishness, but also through ignorance. I think that it is incredibly important, when interacting with a group of people politically (or not politically), to know them and their culture. And when trying to help, it is best to support them in their efforts and plans rather than imposing your own.

All in all, I am very excited and grateful for this opportunity to live and work in Hebron and get to know the city and its people.”