13312757_1543580639284245_198146492612055339_n“My name is David Crow, I am 26 years old and I am from the United Kingdom. I am

originally from Newcastle, England, but now I live and study history at university in

Glasgow, Scotland. In September I will move on to study my Masters’ degree in Modern


I first saw the Excellence Center’s website after searching Google for opportunities to

volunteer in Palestine. The website impressed me and I decided that I would spend my

summer here in Palestine.

I chose become to Palestine because I believe that in the U.K. – and the West in general –

most people have the wrong impression about the country and the region. When I first told

some of my friends and family that I wanted to go to Palestine, they told me that it was

dangerous. I wanted to prove that they were wrong, and that the Palestinian people are

welcoming and friendly.

Another reason I chose Palestine is because of the rich history of the region, from

thousands of years ago until today. I sympathise with the Palestinian people due to the

difficult political conditions under which they must live, and wish to help them in any way I


I know the best way I can help is to teach English. I have previous experience teaching

English in Cambodia and Spain, and I know how useful and valuable my native language

can be to those who wish to learn it.

I hope both myself and my students will benefit from my time here – that I will improve their

English skills and I will learn a lot about the language and culture of Palestine”.

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