Levantine Arabic Courses in the Middle East: Levantine (or Shami as it is known in Arabic) is the dialect of Arabic spoken in the Levant area – Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan. Levantine Arabic is perhaps the closest variant to the Modern Standard Arabic you will see in newspapers and online and is, therefore, the most widely recognized of the various dialects among Arabic speakers than say North African or Gulf dialects.

In this article, we will examine where in the Middle East you can study Levantine Arabic and this includes the Intensive and non-intensive Arabic courses as well as the individual Spoken Arabic courses (excluding Syria due to the ongoing political volatility at the time of writing): Here you may find the list of best places study Levantine Arabic in the Middle East:

  • Studying Levantine Arabic dialect in Lebanon
  • Levantine Arabic Courses in Jordan
  • Study Levantine Arabic in Palestine
  • Arabic Levantine courses in West Bank

Why study it in the Middle East?

But first, let’s tackle the question of why to study it in the Middle East at all – after all, it seems like a big investment in terms of time and money if it is possible to study it in your home country. Well, first of all, the immersive experience cannot be underestimated – it is often said that how rapidly your language level improves is down to your level of exposure to the target language rather than your amount of classroom learning.

Living in an Arabic speaking country you will get over 10 times the amount of exposure to Arabic per week than you would get simply taking lessons in your home country (despite it not costing 10 times as much to do so!). Additionally, you will almost certainly make friends with native Arabic speakers while in the Middle East with whom you can continue to practice even long after you have left the Middle East.

Studying Levantine Arabic dialect in Lebanon

Lebanon is a fantastic place to study Arabic – it’s got an interesting history, it is relatively stable and there is a great lifestyle, which Westerners will find it very easy to quickly adjust to. Additionally, there are lots of Lebanese films and songs which can help aid your Arabic learning while you are in Lebanon.

The only drawbacks are that the cost of living can be very expensive in Lebanon, particularly in the capital, Beirut. Moreover, the locals don’t always speak pure Arabic, preferring for example to use Arabic transliterated into English letters when texting (which means you miss out one of the key opportunities to improve your Arabic reading and writing).

Studying Levantine Arabic dialect in Jordan

Jordan is a great option too – it is a country full of history and great places to visit like the coastal resort of Aqaba, the Bedouin desert camps of Wadi Rum and the lost city of Petra.

The cost of living is generally a bit lower in Jordan than Lebanon (although the capital – Amman can be an exception), so Jordan is definitely a worthy option when you are considering where you can learn Levantine Arabic in the Middle East. There are also large refugee populations in Jordan (from conflicts in Palestine and Syria) if you are interested in helping refugees while you study Arabic.

Studying Levantine Arabic dialect in Palestine

Palestine though remains one of the best options for studying Levantine Arabic. The security situation is stable in the West Bank (although not in Gaza), there are so many fascinating palaces to visit in the Holy Land like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, and Jericho and the cost of living is much cheaper than the other countries mentioned.

Additionally, Palestine is home to very taste local cuisine and the locals are so friendly and welcoming to newcomers when they first arrive in this wonderful place.

Learning Levantine Arabic Courses in West Bank

One of the best places to study Levantine Arabic dialect is with the Excellence Center in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine (located in the South of the West Bank). We offer flexible intensive Arabic programs running from a week or two right up to three months with a dedicated, personal Arabic tutor to oversee your language development.

The Center combines a permanent Palestinian staff with international volunteers and students, which minimizes potential culture shock while maximizing the immersive experience you gain from studying at the Excellence Center.

In addition to your Arabic tutoring, you will receive accommodation, some of your meals and trips around the historic city of Hebron (and other prominent locations around the West Bank). You will be given every opportunity to expand your knowledge of Palestinian culture (especially the tasty food here!).

Reviews from former participants?

The Excellence Center in Palestine programs have more than:

When do the Arabic courses take place?

You have several choices in the schedule of your coursework. One is the study of Arabic in our Palestine Intensive Program which takes place on the 1st day of each month. 

The second program is offered year-round on an individual basis (Arabic Individual Courses in Palestine)

How to fly to Palestine?

The easiest way to get to the Excellence Center in Hebron, Palestine is to fly to:

  • Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv Airport (Israel). It takes about two and a half hours from the airport to the Excellence Center in Hebron via shared Taxi.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rafat@excellencenter.org


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/excellence.center/ 

For more information, please visit our website: https://excellencenter.org/

Excellence Center’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ExcellenceCenter

Excellence Center’s Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/RafatECHebron

Watch us on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsQSLdFZWZcBm6Uj0XMYuKg

Visit and Explore Palestine: https://www.facebook.com/ExplorePalestine


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