Integrating into Life in Palestine: There is always a little fear for some when traveling abroad to do something like work at a local NGO. Thoughts of whether they will get along with the locals and other internationals can cause some to worry as people prepare for their journey.
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Palestine is Unique
To be sure, Hebron, or Palestine, is a unique city in a unique part of the world that has definitely been subjected to media stereotypes. Rest assured, though, your time at the Excellence Center in Palestine is not one of social dislocation – integrating into life in Palestine is easy with a few simple steps, some unique to Hebron and others that most travelers learn along the way.
Palestinian Hospitality
First of all, Palestinian hospitality is not really a ‘choice’ – i.e., you are forced in a good way to feel welcome. In Hebron, while internationals are not rare, they nevertheless are certainly not the norm, and when you first get out of the taxi and are looking for the center, you will, especially if you head the wrong way, be subject to numerous welcomes, handshakes, and offers of coffee.
Get Lost!
Best of all, if you get lost and finally muster the courage to ask for directions, you may end up with either a guide to the center or the person does not know where the Center is. His or her English is not the best, but a fellow traveler is determined to find the Center for you.
Coffee and Tea
At the Center itself, you will again be subject to offers of coffee and tea and numerous Arabic greetings from staff and students. Volunteers will greet you (they have been there, after all), and a chair will be pulled up for you if it is breakfast time. In this respect, integration is not really an issue; it just happens.
Your Timetable For Integrating into Life in Palestine
Of course, though, there are things you can do to help the process. While you may be forgiven for being a little out of sorts after a long day of traveling, the Center manager will provide you with your timetable the next day, and you will get straight into teaching.
As almost every volunteer in Palestine has said, throwing yourself straight into teaching is the best way to go if you have some reservations or if it is your first time teaching.
Taking this little leap of faith goes a long way in getting you used to the teaching style, your students, and the type of lessons they require and the Center wants. Of course, you are not left alone – while as your time progresses with the Center, you may have classes to yourself; at the start, this is not the case.
Getting Used to Hebron
As you should do regarding teaching, getting used to Hebron is simply a case of just getting out there and experiencing it. If the timing permits, of course, you can do this with a volunteer (if you are staying in the men’s accommodation especially), but if it does not, then going for a quick walk to get a feel for the city is the right thing to do.
Hebron Is a Safe City
Hebron is by all measures a safe city (though H2 can be a little tense) and fairly easy to get your bearings once you head out once or twice. And if you do get lost, again, ask for directions – Palestinians are only too happy to help, and again, you may just find yourself with a guide who is only too willing to walk you to your destination.
Find a Regular Shop
Another helpful hint is to find a regular shop that meets your needs for the first few days. Not only does this help with your bearings, but it also gives you a place to practice your Arabic and a regular local to help fine-tune your communication skills.
Some international accents can be difficult to understand, and it is good to practice when hand signals become necessary. It is also a nice little way to begin forming a relationship – doing so is easy in Palestine, but as you improve your Arabic, the relationship will improve. You will begin to feel a sense of community.
Other volunteers have found regular shisha bars helpful, while others have made the gym a regular outing. Feelings of dislocation while traveling can come about for several reasons, but by bringing these small regularities into your life, you are, in effect, making small inroads into the community in Hebron and making it your home away from home.
Final Remarks
Of course, when all is said and done, integrating into a Palestinian community is not hard – as has been said many times and will continue to be said – they are, by nature, hospitable people.
How far you want to integrate is up to you – if you are patient regarding the language and some of the cultural differences, relaxed and calm – integrating will not be an issue. The staff and volunteers are always there to help you.
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