Introduction to how to find volunteer work in Palestine: Out of the whole Middle East region, many people find Palestine the most fascinating country to volunteer in due to the ongoing geopolitical tensions with Israel. Many ordinary Palestinians have a very difficult life, so this place can be the most fulfilling to volunteer as you can see really see the impact of the work you do in helping others. Palestine can be quite a daunting place to undertake a program because of things you may hear in the media, but the reality is often very different from the picture that is painted.

What you need to know about volunteer work in Arabic

First of all, despite what you will likely hear to the country, Palestine is largely a safe place to work, study and volunteer for outsiders. Gaza is off limits due to security concerns admittedly, but the West Bank is actually a lot more stable than people usually give it credit for. There are isolated flashpoints and occasional incidents but foreigners are usually immune to these outbreaks of violence and they are also highly localised meaning they are easy to avoid as long as you are sensible.

Beyond that, volunteer work is generally fun and fulfilling in Palestine, provided you are prepared for what it will entail and you have found the right organisation with the right programme. Most volunteer programmes are time limited as the Israelis only give holiday visas for a maximum of three months. If you want to volunteer for longer, you will have to apply for an official work visa which can be a particularly arduous process.

How to find the right volunteer work in Palestine

It is imperative that you do your research before setting off to volunteer in Palestine. Volunteering can be a big investment of your time and money, so it is vital that you do your due diligence – there is nothing worse than getting out to Palestine and then realising that your organisation is not particularly professional or that the programme has the wrong focus for you. The only way to ensure you avoid these mistakes to thoroughly do your research on the internet and, crucially, check the reviews from former volunteers for any potential programme – their satisfaction (or lack of it) will generally be a good indication of if you too will enjoy the programme as well.

How to prepare for volunteer work in Palestine

Again, be prepared to do you research so that you understand the culture and what is appropriate in Palestine. In certain cities, it is not acceptable to drink alcohol and clothing which reveals too much skin will likely be a no no. Practise your Arabic and try to learn a bit more about the specific place you will visit – if you will be based in one city, read up about its history and its current reputation. If you will be working across the West Bank more generally, then equally find out as much as you can about this fascinating place. Consider packing medicine, sun screen and bug spray (especially if you are visiting in summer).

Do you need Arabic to volunteer in Palestine?

Arabic is not necessary to volunteer in Palestine, but it certainly will help. Most organisations will speak English and should, if they are creditable, offer Arabic lessons as well. Most people in the West Bank speak passable English, so they should be able to help you get where you are going without too much difficulty. A bit of Arabic can really help though as the locals will see you’re making an effort and may even charge you less for taxis or food!

Volunteer work in Hebron, West Bank

The Excellence Center is a bastion for volunteer work Hebron (or Al Khalil as the locals call it) in the West Bank. The Center has strong community links to channel volunteers to where they are needed most. Hebron is a city living on the front line of Occupation so many Palestinians here live in deprivation, particularly near the Old City, the checkpoints and the H2 area where Arabs and Israelis live fractiously together.

Volunteer work takes all sorts of shapes and forms here: most regularly it takes the form of teaching English in places where there is no quality provision of these services. Sometimes it can mean writing articles about the Palestinian condition and the stories of some of the people living here – it can also mean running workshops on human rights and raising awareness of some the issues facing the residents of Hebron.

The Excellence Center invites internationals year-round to join the center in Palestine. Here is the list of volunteer work in Palestine in the city of Hebron, West Bank:

As with any reputable voluntary organisation operating in the Middle East, the Excellence Center will provide Arabic lessons as a courtesy of course. Additionally, the Excellence Center provides accommodation as well as some of your meals during your stay and will do everything to make your visit to Palestine happy and fulfilling. There is time off as well to go for invitations with locals or to explore the other famous cities of the West Bank – the experience really is up to you in how you shape it and how you live your best life in Palestine.

The Excellence Center will provide you with a certificate of completion when you finish your course as well as a reference letter and ongoing support in finding a job in the future.  For more information about this or any of the other programmes, contact Rafat Shantir with the details provided to find out more about volunteering in Palestine. We hope you enjoyed reading How to Find Volunteer Work In Palestine article.

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