The hospitality of the People in Palestine
Hospitality is the way of life in Palestine and quality deeply embedded in Palestinian culture. Many locals you meet will during summer when visiting Palestine. immediately invite you to have coffee, tea, a meal, and even to come to their home and meet their family.
Visiting family and friends is a major part of daily life, as is making all newcomers feel comfortable and completely at home. At least once a day I hear “You’re welcome” from a passer on the street. This friendly greeting is said in English to express their pleasure in having foreigners come to experience their homeland.
2. Food in Palestine
Palestinian food is to die for. “Fresh” would be a good way to describe what you eat here, as would “flavorful” and “healthy.” Food commonly eaten includes delicious bread, rice, meat, a variety of vegetables, fruits, and an array of spices and flavors that your taste buds cannot resist.
You will eat the best Shwarma, Felafels, Kabobs, and traditional dishes at any local restaurant or street stand. Also, the sweets cannot be compared and will tantalize your tongue. The local food here lacks much of the artificial and processed tastes found in many nations.
Visiting Sites in Palestine
Palestine and the surrounding areas have a rich history historically, culturally, and religiously. Much of the world has its eyes on this land as an important religious and historic center. When you visit Palestine in summer, You can see Hebron, Nabulus, Ramallah, Jericho, the dead sea in Palestine.
And just 30 mins or so north there are many other sites that tourist come to see year round. There is something for everyone to see in Palestine and treasures to be found by the most avid souvenir collector.
Learn the Political Ins-and-Outs in Palestine
The impressions given about Palestine in the news may cause a traveler to have some reservations about coming, and understandably so. It is a place where conflict and a degree of oppression are a part of daily life. But a visitor to Palestine in summer may be surprised as to what is actually happening here. Safety is a question in many minds who consider visiting this land. To which I would say they can be at rest as far as the impressions given in the media.
However, the culture here has limitations placed on interactions between genders. As a result, a “westerner” may find the society extremely conservative in their male/female interactions. For myself, as a foreign female, foreign female visitors are wise to be a little more guarded in their interactions with men than they would in their home country.
What is harmless and friendly at home may come across as flirtatious here. It might warrant unwanted attention or actions from men. But on a normal basis, if a visitor understands and respects the cultural mindset, much can be avoided. Anyone who has lived or visited large cities will find the same “street smarts” effective here.
Do Some Good in Palestine
Do some good in Palestine in summer: Palestine is home to a gracious and kind people who value family, relationships and helping others. They also live in an occupied country which makes day-to-day life difficult in many aspects. The children, adolescents, and young adults are ambitions and have aspirations for a better life.
Not to mention many of them have a fire for learning and improving themselves and their community. Foreigners can play a significant role in education, specifically English skills, and in helping any other organization aimed at improving current circumstances.
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